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Changes in my study program

There are so many changes that I want to do apply in my study program although it has change so much in the last years. First, I think my study program needs more electives courses  to create a way for the students and their preferences. Besides, i think the career needs more Field work where we talk to the people and listen what they need. On the other hand, I think the elective courses need more variety areas of interest because the election of one becomes so complex when there is no variety. I think the changes in the study program are really necessary to perfectionate and modernize the level of professionals that the university forms so this way, they’re up to date with new technologies and the labor market. Finally, I think it's a really good sign that the study programs change because it means that the careers are taking care of what the students and the discipline needs.
Recent posts

Blog 7: "Comandante Tamara: From Sociology to Revolution"

Cecilia Magni also know as "Comandante Tamara" was a chilean revolutionary sociologist who studied Sociology at the Universidad de Chile in the 80’s. Cecilia was born in 1956 in in a high class family, is that why she studied in a exclusive school of Santiago, the Grange School, after this, in 1080 she ingress to the Facultad de Ciencias Sociales (FACSo) of the Universidad de Chile. In this year,  she united to the Juventudes Comunistas of the Partido Comunista de Chile, and then, she united to the Frente Patriotico Manuel Rodriguez and start her career of a armed revolutionary being a protagonist in the atack to the dictator Augusto Pinochet named “Operación siglo XX”. In my opinion, she is important in my field because she combined two important things, given to you by sociology: the tools to analyze society and action to transform reality. She understood that the context was so complex because of the dictatorship and she acted in the name of justice. I think she

Blog 6: My Postgraduate

The postgraduate is really important after undergraduate is over, in my case, when I finish sociology, I want to travel to Concepción and study a postgraduate in the Universidad de Concepción. The postgraduate that I want to study is the Magister of History, i choose this one because I want to complement my knowledge about sociology with the study of a magister in history, this wil allow me understand better social process and historical interpretations. On the other hand, I choose Concepcion and the Universidad de Concepción because is a city and a university  that I really like, the streets, the parks, the builds, etc. I would like to study this in part time because I think in complement this with my future work as a sociologist and i hope this magister allows me lear about a lot of things related to history and social sciences.

Blog 5: My reflections on the demonstrations at FACSO

- This year will be historic for the feminist movement in our country, thousands of women went to the streets to demand stop the violence against them. Feminist still-in FACSo was increible, it makes me change the way I look social movements, because no one before was like this one. During this time, I devoted time to learn so much, lear about feminism, about organization of my comrades, etc. Besides, with comrades of different careers of FACSo we created a group of discussion and read about sexuality, sexual diversity and other thing that we live in our cotidianity. This group names “Círculo de Identidades No Heterosexuales, Trans y No binaries FACSo”, besides we make different discussion sessions about different areas like gay misogyny, rape culture, etc.


Since I started to study sociology in 2017 at the Universidad de Chile, the idiea of my have change for so many reassons. First, I started to understand what a sociologist do, and that helps me to create an idea of my future. In my future job, I want to work as a sociologist in a municipality or a ministry creating public policies that helps people to solve problems. I hope that my job doesn't need an office and needs work in the field to understand of a better way the problems like insecurity, political participation, integration, etc. I hope my future job needs that I travel a lot, I want to visit all Latin America and learn about different lenguages, cultures and societies.  In conclusion, I want  a job that makes me happy with a good labor environment.


When I was a kid I played videogames all day, when I arrived from school I started to play many videogames, I remember I liked to play MarioKart, SuperMario, Donkey Kong and many others during hours. This videogames was the first I start to play, but with the passing of the years I started to do some other thing and I forgot a bit the videogames, now I dont play them or I do but one time for month or even less beacause I Realizerd that I less so much time in front to screen, even when I had like thertheen or fourtheen years old I skipped sleep to finish my videogame. That's why I realized that time I played videogames in front to screen I coud do many things, like spending time with friends, family, sports, participate in someting, etc. I do not think play videogames is a total waste of time, but if that prevents from doing sport or spend time with friends it becomes a problem, in these days I use my computer to do other things, like navigate in Internet, socail networks, but not


The news website of the paper "El Siglo", there you can find a serious and critical journalism positioned in the left-wing, in this website you can find many section that report about topics like, economy, social problemos, opinion columns, coulure and international news. I usually read the columns that are publish in this website beacuse I think  This website born from the weekly newspaper that has the same name, this newspaper was published the first time in 1940 and continuously normally until the military dictatorship prohibited its publication and was normaly publish again in the 90's decade, this website has a important role in our country where the journalism have some interest and defend them, the role of El Siglo is fight and defened the interesets of the workers and humble people. This website is free and it'ts easy to use with the goal that everyone could in and infomate about the wide range of topics that the wide range of issues that it deals with. The